El dia 10 de juny van venir a l’escola un actor i una actriu de la companyia IPA Productions per explicar el conte de Cinderella a l’alumnat de 2n i 4t. Va ser molt divertit i ens ho vam passar molt bé.
Cinderella Story
Cinderella has two sisters: Anabella and Barbarella. They are bad.
Cinderella cleans the windows.
Cinderella has an invitation. Barbarella tears up the invitation. Barbarella is ugly.
Cinderella is crying.
Fairy Godmother helps Cinderella.
Cinderella’s favourite colour is blue.
Cinderella goes to the party with the prince.
The prince puts the shoe on Cinderella’s foot.
Cinderella and the prince are very happy.
Matí de 9.15 a 13.45
Tarda de 15.05 a 16.15